Since her captivating debut in 2009, jazz vocalist Sylvia Brooks has displayed a gift for inhabiting different personas, with a subspecialty in film-noir inspired femmes fatale. On this – Signature (Rhombus Records) – her fourth album, she embraces the most challenging role of all, defining herself with a set of beautifully crafted original songs. Her evocative lyrics and emotionally direct delivery imbue the music with hard-won authenticity. Whether looking back with wry affection on her walk-on-the-wild-side youth or lamenting a lost love, Brooks brings bracing honesty and poise to the material.
Why Jazz Is the Best Genre: An Expert’s Perspective
Jazz genres are living proof of the possibilities of creation and passion that music is capable of giving. Jazz is one of the musical achievements of modern art that started in the early twentieth century as an elementized combination of distinct cultures, techniques,...